Why you should always prepare properly for a Yacht Survey –
and that includes unstepping the mast, before and not after, the survey!
The standing rigging on this boat had been “tuned” prior to survey and the kink (L/h pic) was therefore not apparent when the mast was viewed from below.
This mast was delivered on a brand-new boat and was only later found to be “kinky” ……
Why yachts should always be securely chocked off or placed in a cradle with an adequate footprint!
Some years ago a bright shiny-new marina on the UK south coast employed a number of inexperienced new staff to chock up the yachts –
This is what happened….. (no not the storm of 87 either). More than twenty yachts were blown over – ranging from 25ft loa to 60ft loa. It is likely that some of the damage to these boats would not have been immediately apparent, hence the need for a full damage survey after such an incident.
How not to park after a cross-channel race !!
An expensive navigational error – however the end-result could have been used as a garage for a Mini perhaps?? History does not relate what happened to this yacht but I personally would not like to find myself inadvertently the proud owner of the vessel a few years later.
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Kathleen J. Kilbey I.Eng MRINA & Associates
Naval Architects, Marine Surveyors and Consultants
Based United Kingdom South Coast (Solent) and Midlands (Gloucester)
Telephone: +44 (0) 1989 763236 Cellphone: +44 (0) 7472 813413
skype: kathleenkilbey
email us; info@classicboatsurveys.com